Since its opening in 2006, the business has been operating in dairy transformation.
The current owners, Christian Beaulieu and Carole Castonguay, always wanted to transform the milk they were themselves producing into a unique plus-value product. Being producers and transformers, they ensure top quality for all their products, from what the cows eat to what you eat. They especially care about the well-being of the animals and let the cows in the pasture and in free stalls.
The milk coming straight from the farm has not been standardized, homogenized nor partially creamed. The milk is entirely made into cheese following seasonal variations. As a result, every piece of cheese is unique and stands out by the richness of its aroma and flavor.
In summer time, 1000 liters of milk is being pasteurized and transformed everyday at the cheese factory by a team of 10 incredible employees. This transformation allows us to answer the touristic demand from May to September. It also enables the distribution to many local retailers like grocery stores, convenience stores, markets, and other shops. As for the less busy seasons, the main market for the cheese factory is to provide cheese to restaurants in bigger cities like Québec, Sherbrooke or Montréal.